JEC from A to Z: Dust Control Systems and Components
JEC from A to Z: Dust Control Systems and Components Check out our full line of high performance, user-friendly central dust collectors, silo dust collectors, and mobile dust collectors for cement, fly ash, lime, and other applications. We also offer an extensive inventory of ducting, door parts, pulse jet cleaning accessories, replacement cartridges and bags, […]
Tags: bags, blower systems, Cement, central dust collectors, ducting, dust control, dust control components, dust control systems, fittings, Fly ash, gauges, handrails, hoses, ladders, Lime, mobile dust collectors, platforms, pulse jet cleaning accessories, replacement cartridges, silo dust collectors

JEC from A to Z: Dry Bulk Loading and Dust Control
Jamieson Equipment Company offers a full line of dry bulk loading and dust control products for handling nearly any material type including fine, granular, lumpy, abrasive, corrosive, and difficult dusty or sanitary applications. We customize solutions for a wide range of applications: truck and railcar loadout, silo storage, ship and barge loading, stockpiling, bag and […]
Tags: abrasive material, Adipic Acid, aeration bin bottom, aeration conveyors, aeration lump trap, aeration rotary throttle valves, aeration silo penetration adaptor, aeration trough, air slides, Alumina, bag and drum filling, bag filling neck, bag filling station, barge loading, Barium Sulfate, Bauxite, Bentonite, bulk loading system automation, Calcium Carbonate, Calcium Phosphate, Carbon Black, Chemical, Clays, compact filter module, corrosive material, diverter valve, Dolomite, drum filling station, dry bulk bag filling, dry bulk drum filling, dry bulk loading, dry bulk loading system controls, dry bulk loading system valves, dry bulk loading systems, dry bulk material aeration, dust collection, dust control, dusty material, Energy, Felspar, fine material, Flour, Flourspar, Fly ash, Food, Foundry Sand, Fullers Earth, Granular material, Gypsum, inspection hatch, Iron Powder, Kaolin Clay, Lime, loading spout, loading spout positioners, lumpy material, Magnesite, Magnesium Oxide, Magnetite, Material Handling, material stockpiling, mineral, Perlight Dust, Petroleum Coke, Phosphate Dust, Plastic Powder, pneumatic level sensor, Portland Cement, Postash, Pozzolan, Pulverised Coal, Pulverized Limestone, Pulversized Ores, PVC Resin, Pyrotol, railcar loadout, sanitary applications, Semolina, ship loading, shut off valve, Silica, silo storage, smartloader, Soda Ash, Sodium Bicarbonate, Sodium Sulfate, Starch, Stucco, Talc, Terephalic Acid, truck loadout, ventilation module, vertical slide gate valve, Whiting, Zinc Oxide

JEC A to Z: Conveyors & Conveyor Products
If you move dry bulk materials for agriculture, food processing, the mining of coal, rocks, limestone, gypsum, and precious metals, the processing of rocks into aggregates including gravel and sand, the processing of pharmaceuticals and other chemicals, producing concrete, asphalt, brick, and mortar, processing lumber or waste, manufacturing glass, plastics, or textiles, and so on, […]
Tags: Aerial Conveyors, Aggregates, Auto Greaser, Bearings, Channel Frame Conveyors, Chemicals, Clamp Down Rails, Coal, Conveying, Conveyor Belt Cleaners, Conveyor Belt Guards, Conveyor Belt Hoods, Conveyor Belt Scales, Conveyor Belting, Conveyor Components, Conveyor Controls, Conveyor Covers, Conveyor Feed Systems, Conveyor Return Roll Guards, Conveyor Safety Controls, Conveyor Take-Ups, Conveyors, Dry Bulk Materials, Feeders, Food Processing, Gear Reducers, Glass, Groundline Conveyors, Holdbacks, Hoppers, Idlers, Impact Beds, Industrial Ladders, Liner Material, Lumber, Manufacturing, Material Flow Switches, Material Handling, Mining, Motors, Pharmacutical, Plastic, Portable Conveyors, Pulleys, Radial Stackers, Return Rolls, Rock, Safety Gates, Speed Switches, Stackable Conveyors, Temperature Sensors, Textiles, Track Mounted Stackers, Transfer Conveyors, Tubular Frame Truss Conveyors, Tunnel Reclaim Conveyors, Waste

JEC From A to Z: Concrete Mixers
From Bird Baths to Runways, when it comes to mixing concrete, we’ve got you covered! Our team of mixer experts will determine your needs and specify the right mixer for the job. We take the time required to assess your particular needs based upon the product, load size, production requirements, mix design, space available, and […]
Tags: Airport Paving, Compacted yield, concrete block, Concrete Dam, Concrete Delivery System, Concrete Highway Paving, Concrete Lock, Concrete mixers, concrete paving, Continuous Concrete Mixers, Cubic Yards of Concrete, Dry Cast, Flowable Fill, High Rise Structures, Hydroelectric Projects, Lab Concrete Mixers, Load capacity, Mix Design, Mixer Blade Liners, Mixer Drum Liners, Mixer Relining, Mixer Wear Parts, Nuclear Reactors, Ornamental Precast Concrete, Planetary Concrete Mixers, Portable Concrete Mixers, precast concrete, Pug Mill Mixers, RCC, Ready Mix Concrete, Remediation, roller compacted concrete, soil cement stabilization, Tilt Concrete Mixers, Tons of Concrete, Turbine Concrete Mixers, Twin Shaft Concrete Mixers, Wet Cast

JEC from A to Z: Concrete Batch Plants
Since selling our first concrete batching plant almost 25 years ago, we have continued to expand our offerings to meet the needs of any company producing concrete. One way we meet these needs is by offering a variety of concrete batch plant designs including domestic plants and plants imported from Europe. Among these plant designs are central […]
Tags: airport concrete, central mix concrete plant, Concrete, concrete airstrips, concrete aqueducts, concrete batch plant, concrete benches, concrete block, concrete bridges, concrete burial vaults, concrete canals, concrete construction, concrete dams, concrete factory floor, concrete factory walls, concrete feed troughs, concrete jails, concrete mixer, concrete parking decks, concrete paving, concrete picnic tables, concrete pipe, concrete plant automation, concrete power plants, concrete reservoirs, concrete roads, concrete slip forming, concrete tunnels, concrete warehouse floor, concrete warehouse walls, concrete wind farm bases, decorative concrete products, domestic concrete plant, horizontal concrete plant, hot dip galvanize, imported concrete plant, mobile concrete plant, onsite concrete plant, portable concrete plant, precast concrete, prestressed concrete, retrofit concrete plant, roller compacted concrete, soil cement stabilization, soil remediation, tower concrete plant, transit mix concrete plant

JEC from A to Z: Bulk Bag Handling Equipment
Handle Bulk Bags aka Big Bags, Super Sacks, or Flexible Intermediate Bulk Containers (FIBCs), with our Bulk Bag Handling Equipment. Frames vary in size, material, mobility, and height adjustment and can be connected to valves, pneumatic conveying systems, feeders, etc. Move filled bags via forklift, overhead crane, or monorail/hoist. Great for a wide variety of […]
Tags: Barley, Big Bags, Brewing, Bulk bag filling, Bulk bag handling, Bulk bag unloading, Cement, FIBC, Flexible Intermediate Bulk Containers, Granular material, Grout, Hops, Material Handling, Mortar, Stucco, Super Sacks

JEC from A to Z: Air Cylinders, Air Valves, and Air Line Accessories
Check out our full line of Air Cylinders, Air Dryers, Eliminizers, Coalescers, Oil Extractors, Air Line Lubricant, KILFROST Anti-Freeze Air Line Lubricant, Filters, Regulators, and Lubricators, Solenoid Valves, Soft Start Valves, Quick Dump Valves, Quick Exhaust Valves, Lockout Valves, Pressure Switches, and Exhaust Mufflers. Jamieson Equipment Company works with a wide variety of customers who […]
Tags: Air Cylinders, Air Dryers, Air Line Lubricant, and manufacturing companies, Automotive Service, Body Shops, cabinet shops, Car Washes, Coalescers, Compressed air, dry cleaners, Eliminizers, Exhaust Mufflers, Farms, Filters, Fleet Maintenance, heavy shop, KILFROST Anti-Freeze Air Line Lubricant, Lockout Valves, Lubricators, machine shops, maintenance and repair shops, Oil Extractors, Pressure Switches, Processing, Production, Quick Dump Valves, Quick Exhaust Valves, Regulators, Soft Start Valves, Solenoid Valves, Wood Working

JEC from A to Z: Air Compressors and Compressed Air Treatment
Check out our full line of Rotary Contact-Cooled Air Compressors, Rotary Screw Air Compressors, and Two-stage Electric Air Compressors ranging from 7.5 to 50 horsepower. We also offer a full line of Compressed Air Treatment products including Air Dryers, Air Line Lubricants, KILFROST Anti-freeze Air Line Lubricant, Filters, Regulators and Lubricators, Refrigerated Dryers, and Desiccant […]
Tags: Air Compressors, Air Dryers, Air Line Lubricant, Body Shops, Car Washes, Compressed Air Treatment, Desiccant Dryers, Farms, Filters, Fleet Maintenance, Kilfrost, Lubricators, Processing, Production, Refrigerated Dryers, Regulators, Repair Shops, Rotary Contact-Cooled Air Compressors, Rotary Screw Air Compressors, Wood Working

JEC from A to Z: Aeration
Check out our full line of aerators, aeration blowers, and related products for silos, bins, hoppers, chutes, rail tankers, road tankers, truck hoppers, etc. Aeration products are used by our customers who store and move cement, fly ash, flour, lime, feed, pigments, chemicals, many other types of dry bulk materials. Jamieson Equipment is the Complete […]
Tags: Aeration, Aeration blowers, Aeration Pads, Aerators, Agriculture, Bin Aerators, Bins, Blower motors, Bridging, Cement, Check valves, Chemicals, Chutes, Compacting, Concrete, Disk fluidizers, Dry bulk material, Dry bulk processing, Feed, Flour, Fly ash, Food, Hoppers, Inlet filter silencers, Lime, Material flow aid, Processing industry, Rail tankers, Ratholing, Relief valves, Silo aeration, Silos, VIbrating bin aerators

JEC from A to Z: Actuators
Check out our full line of electric, manual, and pneumatic actuators for opening and closing butterfly valves, slide valves, etc. Used by our Concrete, Wastewater, Power, Food, Chemical, and our many other processing industries customers, these products help keep things moving! Click here to view our actuator line.
Tags: Actuators, butterfly valves, Chemical, Chemical process, Concrete, electric actuators, Flow control, Food process, Gas, Gear motor actuators, manual actuators, Oil, Pharmaceuticals, pneumatic actuators, Power, Processing industry, Quarter turn electric actuators, Valve automation, Valves, Wastewater, Water